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Application open for the "Ecocity and Low-carbon Smart City" international course
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"Eco-city and Low-Carbon Smart City”     
Dates :            May 27th – June 4th, 2015 (Application Deadline : May 1st, 2015)
Location :        International Urban Training Center(IUTC), Gangwon province, Republic of Korea   
Participants : 25 persons      
Organizer :  International Urban Training Center(IUTC) and UN-HABITAT 
Training Fee :  Full Scholarship by IUTC and UN-HABITAT
The International Urban Training Center(IUTC) and UN-HABITAT are pleased to announce the "Eco-city and Low-Carbon Smart City " international training course, as the 3rd training course in 2015. 
Application is open to all people working in the training theme area from developing countries in the Asia Pacific Region that are listed as eligible to receive ODA(official development assistance) from international funding agencies. 
The application form and course details are attached this email or available from the IUTC website ( and it must be submitted"by E-mail" as below :   
* E-mail : Download the application form and return the completed form including additional documents by email ( ,
Submission Documents for Application   
A. Application Form  (enclosed) 
B. Scanned Passport Copy 
C. Recommendation Letter from your organization head
D. Case study (PPT format together with some maps and photos, requested below)
​     1. Please introduce what program or project you have been/was engaging in, in the context of local ecological, green city planning and development in response to climate adaptation or mitigation but not in the country level, including
     Section 1) a brief description on the local conditions inc. locality, population, major industry, income level, /
     Section 2) project: situation, problems, background, objectives, solution processes, lead authority, participating agencies, applied technology or to be adopted, your roles, accomplishments and benefits linked to the city/community residents,
     Section 3) a further implementation plan for possible projects after the course: local assets, -environmental, economic, cultural and social etc., major activities, lead authority and participating organizations, potential financing source and  mobilization etc.